Site Update

Usually we try to update the site every year, giving it a make-over so that she looks new and pretty.

But the last two years have been a bit chaotic for our resident website maintenance person; Sinjun.

In March of 2019 she had her second child, a little girl. Then as everyone knows, this year in March of 2020 the Covid-19 Pandemic hit America hard. Colorado was one of the few states to do a complete shut down for months on various businesses considered ‘unessential’.

Despite this, Coven now has a new look for their site. So please, look over everything and enjoy. Feel free to send an email to Sinjun if you have any questions or if you see something not working the way it should.

We’ll be changing the portfolio galleries of the artists soon, so you’ll be able to click on separate thumbnails to pull up a larger image. This way you won’t have to scroll through the images, or struggle to get back to the first one you really wanted to take another look at.

The hope and desire of the Coven Tattoo site is to make it easy for our clients, new and old, to access, search and find what they need. Be it information on how to schedule an appointment, link friends or new acquaintances to our instagram pages, or see if we’ve added any new artists to our conclave. We want everything here to be pleasant, easy to navigate and helpful.

So if you have any ideas or suggestions, those are welcome as well!

Welcome to the newly polished Coven Tattoo Website!

Moving Locations!

Good things often happen when you least expect it, and that is the case for us at Coven Tattoo this month.

In searching for a larger, more visible location that would enable us to broaden our community for artists, we found the perfect location. Not only were we met with approval and acceptance, which seems like a very difficult thing to find as a tattoo business, we were able to move quickly on the opportunity.

We will be looking for two new artists to join our team, so please, check our Job Openings section to see what we are looking for.

As of November 1st this year, Coven Tattoo will be celebrating its 3 year Anniversary in it’s new location at:

9100 W. 100th Ave Suite B5, Westminster CO 80021


What is a Touch-up?


What is a Touch-up?

Tattoo Insights

Tattoos are the only thing you wear 24/7.  So obviously, wear and tear is going to happen.

Black shirts fade, jeans thin and get holes just like socks, underwear elastic gives way; and those are just some of the more mild things our well-worn clothing suffers over time.  Why would tattoos be any different when subjected to daily wear?

So is a touch-up meant to correct some of the damage that living and wearing it will cause?  Should this be free for a certain time period, or even indefinitely?

It would be nice if everything had a lifetime warranty with full coverage.  Yet just like you have to go buy new clothes when they get threadbare, or pay repairs on your car, the same mentality should be taken in regards to your tattoo maintenance.

Now, there are many artists that offer a free touch-up on the tattoos they create.  This is a wonderful thing, and yet also, a limited warranty.  It is also a confusing term that has a variety of meanings and interpretations based on who is talking about it.

Generally, a touch-up is minimal work on a tattoo that was recently done.  It is more of a follow-up, where the artist can go in and refine aspects of the tattoo that either healed differently than was expected, or suffered from a poor healing period.  This will usually cover darkening shadows, adding highlights or smoothing out some gradients or color saturations.  A follow-up style touch-up should ideally take no more than 30 minutes.

Many artists will do this for free, especially if done in the 2-4 months following a tattoo that has healed.  However, some artists charge, because this step is still necessary to fully completing the tattoo for the long haul of your life and still requires time and supplies, which are part of how an artist dictates their pay rates.

Yet many people are quite content and happy with their tattoos 2-4 months after receiving them.  In fact, most find that their tattoo is vivid and bright for years afterwards and never think about this ‘follow-up’ session as a necessity or desire.

What often happens usually occurs years later.  Sometimes as few as 2 years, sometimes 5 or more in the future, a person will notice their tattoo has faded, or seems a little monotone.  This can be very frustrating for some people, and their natural conclusion is that it just needs a little ‘touch-up’ to look really good again!

Unfortunately, years later, if a tattoo is faded, dull, lost detail and so forth, there is no ‘little’ touch-up option.  Usually it will require repairing the whole tattoo, which will take over an hour, to multiple hours.  You cannot just darken or brighten one area of a tattoo, because when it heals, it will look different from the rest of the tattoo. 

Many people are not experienced or knowledgeable in the tattoo industry, so they are often confused by the why’s, why not’s, can and shouldn’t aspects an artist will try explaining.  In the end, it is usually always a good idea to simply ask what your artist considers a touch-up.

Denver Tattoo Arts Convention

Friday, August 2nd - Sunday, August 4th Paul Miller and Mowgli Olenason will be representing Coven tattoo at the 3rd Annual Denver Tattoo Arts Convention at the Denver Convention Center!

This is an exceptionally nice, fun and busy convention! Artists from all over the country and the world make their way here. There is no better way to see the various unique styles and talented, up and coming artists in our industry.

Currently, Paul has time available Saturday, August 3rd for a tattoo. Please contact him to get details on what he is open to doing, pricing and timing.

Mowgli also has limited time available and is looking for some unique pieces to complete at the show, give him a holler if you’re loving his unique, illustrated style!

Also, don’t miss the opportunity to check out all the vendors. There are exceptional taxidermists, jewelry and tattoo supply booths at the show. Some of the best deals are available here and the burlesque performances are amazing.

You’ll truly have a blast at the Mile High City’s favorite Tattoo Convention!

The 3-Liner Portrait Wizard


If you’re in need of an exceptional, realistic portrait, look no further than Paul Miller.

Having begun his apprenticeship under Sinjun Stone June 2019, he tackled his education with a gusto rarely seen by most apprentices. Despite having entered the tattoo industry later than most, little inhibited his thirst to learn. Whether at the shop, or in his own time, he always showed an eagerness to broaden his knowledge and experience regarding all aspects of the tattooing field.

Taking painting classes in his spare time, watching tattoo videos from our industry’s top names, and pursuing the challenges of oil painting and digital art in Procreate; he wrung every last drop of information from every source to improve his ability to learn.

By January 2019, he graduated to the rank of peer among the other artists at Coven Tattoo.

Despite having a short apprenticeship, Paul has become highly in demand for his steady and light hand, not to mention the exceptional quality of his work. Only ignorance would label him as novice, and time is nothing but a conquerable challenge to mastering his craft.

Making a name for himself in the mediums of black & gray portrait work, he captures the imagination of his subjects and translates it with a dedicated focus onto the skin. Excellence however, takes time. Most of Paul’s projects require over 7 hours to deliver the distinctive quality that makes them pop off the skin.

Despite how serious he takes his work, Paul has a fun loving attitude. Humor and chill are integral parts of his personality and make him irreplaceable on the Coven Tattoo team. It would be a mistake to presume his skill is lacking in any way because of his newness to tattooing or the brevity of his apprenticeship.